Kamruddin Khan
Hi! Kamruddin Here
I am a
I'am a Full-Stack Web Developer and I welcome you to my portfolio. Here you will get to see my tech stack as well as my projects.
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My Hotel App

This is a hotel booking app created using React.

Javascript Mini Tools

A mini tool website that has tools like Password Generator, Weather App, Counter, etc made using Vanilla JS

Razorpay Clone

Razorpay Website Home-Page Created Using Tailwind CSS

Sorting Algorithm Visualizer

A tool to understand sorting algorithms like Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, etc with visuals

Me and
MyTech Stack

Hi Everyone My name is Kamruddin Khan.

Your friendly neighborhood coder with a passion for building great web applications. From front-end development with React to back-end development with Node.js and MongoDB, I always strive to learn and grow in the rapidly evolving tech industry.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy hiking, reading, and exploring new technology trends.

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